Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Unfortunately I do have to use television to occupy CRB more than I would like. Thankfully, I only have a few more weeks of this as the semester is winding down.

Perhaps we only watch 1 (ok I admit 2) episodes a day. Regardless, there are some clear signs that the whole (extended) family is watching too much of the Backyardigans.

10. If you were on Survivor and the Backyardigans were there, too, you already know who you'd vote off. (I'd go with Tasha.)
9. Sometimes you fall asleep to Uniqua's hit single "I want to be a knight" even though there is no tv or cd really playing it. You just can't get the song out of your head.
8. When while watching the Nascar race, and CRB gets upset, his grandmother says "Yes, I know it is the wrong Pablo."
7. You have discussed with your significant other whether "vintage" Backyardigans is better than the new episodes.
6. The extended family has participated in a discussion of whether Austin is a dinosaur or a chihuahua.
5. When you accidentally delete a tivoed episode, you mourn the lack of variety this will cause in your life.
4. You have discussed (again with the entire extended family) whether the voices are that of adults or children.
3. When grandpa says "I see they are re-using the horse CGI from 'Riding the Range'."
2. When you get sooooo excited about the new episodes being aired, even if new isn't as good as vintage.
1. When you know the snack at the end of the episode.


Heather Hartwig said...

Vintage are definitely better, but new episodes help us keep our sanity.

Of course you know that Austin is a kangaroo...I keep getting schooled for being so dense in the comment section of my Backardigan themed blog post. Also be careful what you say about Tasha, I've been informed that she is more resourceful than I give her credit for.

Kerri said...

Hummm... I'm pretty sure I have been involved in some of those conversations. :-) I agree... Tasha is off the island! I love #8... too funny!!