Friday, January 2, 2009

Library of Congress or Humpty Dumpty?

CRB, the only child of two only children, has a lot of books. New books, old books, and some in between. Somehow, though I had a lot of books and ToolMan had a lot of books, we have very few repeats between us. Add into the mix books bought for CRB and you would be hard pressed to be unable to find something awesome about nearly any subject appropriate for a 2 year old.

Lately I have been in a mindset to clean up and organize and today CRB's books are on the agenda. When CRB was little my books were segregated from Toolman's. Now, all the books have moved on into another category, those of CRB. I am trying to decide how to order them. Though it's tempting to leave them where they have fallen lately (i.e. the Humpty Dumpty method of organization) I am going to try to do something better, but what I don't know. True organization is not possible with a 2 year old librarian.

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