Thursday, January 1, 2009

Champagne Wishes

Last night, ToolMan and I tried to date the bottle of champagne in the fridge. He thinks it was pre-CRB, the 2006 New Year's Eve bottle that did not seem appetizing on top of the fert. meds). I think it was post-CRB, 2007 New Year's Eve bottle bought by delusional, sleep-deprived parents of a 3 month old). Regardless, I can tell you it was good, and is still somehow bubbly for great New Year's mimosas.

Rock on 2009. 2008 was a great year, and am hopeful for a repeat.


Totallyscrappy said...

I heart mimosas!

Kerri said...

Hope y'all had a great New Year's Eve and a great New Year's Day!!