Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Score

CRB: 5

Naps: 0

When I arrived today, I saw my little Linus, dragging his crocheted blanket around the room. Unlike Linus though, he was sucking on the corner of his pillow, not his thumb, and all the while he was laughing and playing with the other children, not sitting in the corner with a miniature baby grand.

I was so happy with what I was seeing that while standing at the gate I began this fantasy where Miss Amber was relaying the details of a multi-hour nap, when I was interrupted by the reality (he did lie down upon the nap mat for 30+ minutes, but no sleep and then he was allowed to get up since he is not disruptive).  Our conversation quickly and unfortunately attracted CRB, who is always working the room. When he saw me he joyfully yelled and pointed " MAMA! MAMA!!"  but then began a major meltdown. His teachers assured me that he had not cried today, or even looked upset, until I arrived to pick him up. Then, we could not get out of the room fast enough, one shoe on,on shoe off -  the other having flown off in his full-tilt boogity down the hall screaming "Dad? DAD?? DADD - E?!?!"  

I am going to assume that he just remembered how much he missed his parents today, and that in his sleep-deprived state, the feeling overwhelmed him.  That makes two of us. 


Totallyscrappy said...

So, he's getting into a routine. ;) Adjusting can be so hard and so can sleep deprivation.
Thank you for your kind words on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh. So sweet!! I hope he settles into nap time soon.