Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Southerner Deals with Frost

for your amusement, here's the content of my email to ToolMan this morning in reply to how he has potentially found a battery for my uber-wagon.

"hey that is really great about the battery for my car. I agree one of those has to be the right one.

I miss my fancy-garaged VW. This morning it was 25 and the Excursion was frosted over. I did get the Excursion to crank but it was not making any heat fast (meaning in like 15 sec) and the wipers were ineffective at the frost. I did not think I could scrape without a ladder and it was already 7:35 by this point.

I got the garden hose out to put some water on it (I did not think it was cold enough to crack the windows so I decided to go for it.) A little water came out of the hose but then the hose quit flowing. Then I realized that I forgot to leave the wipers on, and now it was ICED over and I had no more water... before it just seemed like I did not have good visibility, now I really didn't. I ended up taking mom's car which we had put in the garage and telling her to check the hose in case I turned it the wrong way and not righty-tighty and it was still on when it thaws later... "


Totallyscrappy said...

Listen. I just want to warn you. Whatever you do. Don't put your tongue on the frozen flagpole, Okay? Just a piece of advice...

Anonymous said...

hehehe. We see cold weather so rarely that I forget not to clean my windshield while driving. Not a good thing to do!!

Unknown said...

I have a spare ice scraper that I got from my last job. You can have it.