Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cosmic Payback

As my loyal blog readers know, CRB was an easy baby, and if the recent trend continues maybe that WAS can go back to an IS. The past few weeks have been horrible, actually all caps: HORRIBLE.

Right after his birthday, CRB began getting a tooth. ToolMan and I had an agreement that we would stop asking and wondering "if this was teething" or "maybe this is teething." After all, he made it 12 months with no teething whatsoever. Since we had so many false alarms (we've used up a tube of Orajel even), we decided to wait until we saw an actual tooth to proclaim his behavior was caused by teething. Saturday was the day, and thankfully since the tooth began poking out, things have been much better.

But for a few weeks, I felt that I was getting some cosmic payback. So many people have commented, how is it possible he is like this: A five hour vet visit, no tantrum or tears; allergy skin pricks, no crying; CNC noise, calm interested baby; a baby who prefers not to be rocked to sleep. I would have traded some of my sleep-filled, no worry moments (ok, months) for a few moments of peace the past few weeks. No doubt many of the astonished people who commented about how easy, cooperative and graciously good natured CRB is must have been relieved to see my child could be like everyone else's (you know, inconsolable, ill-tempered, manic).

But as of Wednesday, things seem to be turning around. 36 hours is a trend right?

1 comment:

lizard queen said...

Hope your little gem is feeling better! I am sure it will pass :-)