Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Favorites

Amberly, at Moments Amid Messes, has just started Friday Favorites where a participant posts about his or her favorite anything - recipe, tip, memory, etc.

This week I will offer up my favorite parenting technique for determing when to put CRB in his crib for sleep. At the moment, there is a bit of an absurd factor here, with the teething and late night trips to the store for Pedialyte, some of our friends (Wren!) are probably snickering but I digress...

At the end of my pregnancy, a co-worker recommended the Babywise book and told me in no undercertain terms that if I wanted any sanity to read it. She said it was rather hard core in parts, but that if I could take some from it, it would really help.

With the encouragement of the book, we are luckly in that we somehow never got into the pattern of rock/feed/hold him until he's asleep. More than 95% of the time, we put him in his crib awake. The big question is always when do you put him down?

I have some success if I pay attention to his breathing. Wait for it to slow a bit.

But I have my most sucess (my main trick I guess) is to look for the yawns. If the baby is not in the bed BEFORE the third yawn, in my experience you have a disaester ahead. The first yawn is a sign of relief for me, he's probably going to go to sleep. At the second yawn, I have to make the bed transition. In bed before the third yawn helps him be more receptive to the sleep process, perhaps because he is not yet overtired.

I hope that the third yawn tip can bring you or someone you know some measure of help.


Holly said...

I too read the "Babywise" book before the births of each of my children. As with any book, one doesn't usually agree with everything, but I will say that both of my kids slept through the night before they were 3 months old. I'm sure there are multiple factor's for why this was so (prayer being #1) but I think some of the principles that Babywise teachs also played a part in helping us develop certain sleep habits in our kids.

The "third yawn" theory that is working for you is sweet!

Amberly said...

Thanks for participating

Amberly said...

I am going to try this for the 5th time. I'm having technical difficulties! Thanks for participating! I love Babywise and would highly recommend it, although you do have to use common sense along with it. I thought the book made a lot of sense and I had sleeping babies who nursed on a schedule which helped me be rested and able to accomplish what I needed to get done during the day. It was a blessing! Great tip!

Mama said...

I also read Babywise and am using it with my four month old. I was freaked out at first trying to do everything perfect. With a little common sense and following the basic guidelines my little man sleeps 10-11 hours a night--an he is happy during the day....