Saturday, March 24, 2007

Comfortably Numb: Sleep

Now when I seem tired or comment to others about how I am tired, people inevitably ask "Did CRB have a rough night?"

Well, you would think that. It would make sense. But with us, that is rarely the case.

CRB has to have a full tummy, the night light on, and not be dressed too warmly. With that, he's set for a good 8.5 to 9.5 hours.

Toolman is a pretty good sleeper, too, as long as his surroundings are just right. He's got to have 2 foam pillows with slick cotton pillowcases, taunt sheets, a comforter that is just the right weight, no extraneous light, and no house guests.

Me, I can sleep anywhere and through anything . . . if I can just fall asleep.

I can sleep:

  • sitting up
  • through the takeoff and landing of a trans-Atlantic flight
  • on cold uneven ground with my feet higher than my head
  • on a squeaky floor that squeaks each time I inhale, and again when I exhale
  • on a cot while a transport truck backs into the parking place next to me
  • in the presence of solid rivets that are being hammered and bucked
  • with Toolman and his undiagnosed Restless Leg Syndrome
My sleep requirements are all emotional.

Tonight - err this morning - the problem is that I am too excited to sleep. Too many good things are going on, and I just don't want to shut the day off yet. How awesome is that? Yes I agree it is tremendously fantastic but come on, it is after 2 a.m. now...

Other nights, usually Monday or Wednesday nights, the issue tends to be that I am too overwhelmed with what I need to do the next day. I guess trying to provide a worthwhile educational experience to a large number of college students can stress a girl out.

Then there are the few nights I actually fight sleeping because I don't feel that I have had an acceptable quantity of fun in the day. Like somehow, tossing and turning is going to result in fun?

Tonight's headline is:

New Mom Can't Sleep Because She's Too Happy

1 comment:

lizard queen said...

Well, hopefully that happiness can get you through the next day! I need 7-8 hours. My husband says I need to start training myself to use less. People tell me to get my sleep now, but I think he is right...I should learn how to live with less sleep now...