Monday, April 14, 2008

Crazy Cozy Coupe

One day soon, I will lose interest in the Cozy Coupe, but that day is not here so let me regale you with some current and past events. Photos not yet available...

Upon awakening at a very rock and roll time of 10:30 a.m. (we are not rock star parents, he went to bed at 7:40 p.m.), CRB's first mission was to find the Cozy Coupe. It did not matter that it was only 50 degrees. As CRB's mom,I had anticipated this, and I had him dressed in layers. After about an hour, I decided that we would just have to bring it inside. CRB pushed it around and finally took my cue of "Let's play drive in movie. I know that you've never been to one, well neither have I, but Look! It's a new episode of the Backyardigans! Please for Mommy, watch TV, for just a few minutes so that I can change clothes for work, please!"

Fast forward to this evening after dinner and some errands when the CRB impressed Toolman with his ability to push it around the house, and next with his plea for help in rolling it upside down so he can check out the underneath. And again, roll it back over Daddy.

I am thrilled that he is enjoying it so much. I remember seeing Cozy Coupes as a kid, and really, really wanting to check one out. Today during a moment of free time I decided to research the history of the Cozy Coupe and solve the mystery as to why my friends and I did not have one with which to play. It turns out that the Cozy Coupe was introduced in 1979 when it won a toy of the year award. By 1979, I was already 6, which is on the old side for one...

Did you know that in 1997, 313,000 Cozy Coupes were sold in the US, and 100,000 in Great Britain. You didn't? Check out this informative piece from the NY Times:


Kerri said...

I don't know why we didn't have one. It seems like they are a lot of fun. I am glad he is enjoying it so much!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you were able to find something that keeps him that entertained. That a great attention span for one toy!!