Friday, July 6, 2007

Things I Never Thought I Would Do ... but did this week

  1. use a ziploc bag for gift wrap ... I am usually not a fan of even reusing tissue paper and gift bags, so this is a new low.
  2. have a living room with no lamps ... I dislike intense overhead light, but I have never had a family member try to use lamp cords to pull themselves to a standing position.
  3. install 36 outlet plug covers ... I thought those caps were a dangerous choking hazard but my concerns of that are outweighed by the shock potential from the very Curious CRB.
  4. see my son put Colin's huge rawhide bone in his mouth and not think it was an emergency ... Formerly this would have been a eewh, but this week I was just relieved that the object was too big to choke on.
  5. turn a spare bedroom into a playroom ... It could have been the dining room but the bedroom was carpeted.

1 comment:

Totallyscrappy said...

I love your list!
I remember promising that I would never wipe my baby's face with my spit. Yeah. That was the first mommy-ism that flew out the window!